18 picnickers are missing in the Rupnarayan river

A very sad story. These picnickers are still missing. In winter it may take 72 hours before a body floats. First question to all readers. Why they over loaded the boat? This is the common sense of picnickers.

Divers from the Haldia Coast Guard, Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT), Kolkata Police, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and district rescue team undertook rescue operation, but not a single body could be traced.

Our Rail Minister Mamata and her star anada have started playing politics on the event of 18 missing picnickers. They got few slogan just like their Ma Mati Manush. In 32 yesr Left front govt. didn’t do any work and that’s reason these picnickers were lacking common sense to protect their own life. Where is disaster recovery team etc etc? Union Minister of State for Shipping Mukul Roy & Subhendu Adhikari also joined her in this politics.

I feel it would be great help if these people can help the rescue operation instead of laying politics.

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