Unemployement in Kolkata west bengal – In current market condition there are very few jobs avilable for only extremely talended people. Find the recruitment status in all Engg colleges in west bengal. Even people in JU are not happy with their job offers. Now what’s the alterative?
Politics? Yes, people in bengal invested their time and even life in poltics. The think political parties can offer them some govt job. And once we get a govt job we don’t need to think for whole life. That’s a good alterative but how many govt jobs are available? Can they solve 5% of unemployement problem?
Trends have been changing daily. If you think you will join BSC BA graduation and spoil your 3 years then you may not get a job in your whole life. Think smart and finalize your career plan. Find what’s the requirement in market? What kind of jobs are available? Prepare yourself as per the requirements.
Some of the freelance jobs in this market are content writing, editing, graphics design, web design, help desk operator etc. Find more in J4U.in