How to deal with Maoist?

As you see joint force is unable to to tackle maoist activities in LALGARH area. Why Join force can’t control them? We know how much money is spent on joint force. The same can be spent in developing the area. Lets advise our govt hope they will understand.

Maoist are spread across jungles and they would be changing their position. treat them like animal. How do you track animal in a jungle? See discovery channel you can find lots of new technologies. Instruments can be imported using or Some of them like sound sensor, movement sensor etc.

How they communicate? Using mobile and SIM. Record all call in that area or disallow any call from any prepaid mobile numbers. Only call from postpaid mobile and landline numbers are allowed in that area.

Deploy joint force in jungle and ask them to be available in the night in jungle. Walking on the road during day time doesn’t help.

Be tough to people who speak for them. Even you must take strong action on people like Kabir Suman and his friends who have been talking for maoist. They are lucky that they live in India.

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  1. First of all we should understand that the ‘characteristics or roots’ of Maoist movement are not the same in all the states. West Bengal (WB) has truely different cause. Maoist movement in WB is mainly due to the support of TMC. It is a ‘give and take’ policy between Maoist and TMC. It came into operation actively only after the incidence of ‘Nandigram and Singur’. Underdevelopment and inequality is the problem of all the states. Central government as well as planning board of India should think of special development scheme and implementations of these schemes to give the equal opportunity to the people of underdeveloped regions of all the states. If we think of Maharashtra, the picture of development would change if we take out ‘Mumbai’ from the state. The question is what is the genuine cause that Mamata Banerjee has been showinh her sympathy to these people? Is it because she feels it truely? In that case she would have organized different ‘kind’ of movements. Common people need to understand that ‘Mamata Banerjee’ wants ‘state ruling power’ and that is the only incentive she ‘act’ or maintain the mask of sympathy.

    Now the ‘money’, central has to pay to stop Maoist movement, could have been spent for the development of these people. But the place where there is no ‘law and order’ and peace among common people, how development would take place? It would be better if central send Army to tackle the situation in all the states together seizing cross border movements. It would take less time to solve the problem and also would help to reduce the expenditure.

    Like Maoist, the party (TMC or Shibu Soren), the News paper (Anadabazar, Bartaman, Pratidin, etc.), the people (Aparna Sen, Shaonli Mitra, Kaushik Sen, etc.) are equally responsible for the tragedy of LALGARD common people, who have always been misguided.

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