Bangla bondh by BJP 12 hours Bengal strike (via postie)

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One more Bangla bondh by BJP. Today’s 12 hours Bengal strike for whatever reason. Reason is not very important as all strikes are to gain some political benefit by the party.

Left was in power and they have done multiple bandhs. TMC may come in power because of their bandh, protest and other nataks. Now its time to BJP. BJP also understand that bengal only understand the language of strikes.

What medias are talking about. Etv looks less partial and probably the only channel that can be trusted for news. Star anada as usual started saying from the morning that this bandh is not successful. Star ananda understand the calculation. If BJP can manage few anti left votes then it would be a problem for the TMC and Cong. People do understand Mamata’s ma mati manush natak and this will not last long. Star anada also understand this and they always try to put Mamata on breaking news.

I was reading some article that says TMC spent 15,000/- per booth during lokshava election where CPM generally spend only 5000/-. So you can imagine the amount of money media gets to speak for parties like TMC and Cong.

Do share your thoughts on Bangla Bondh and west bengal politics.

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  1. “Star anada as usual started saying from the morning that this bandh is not successful. Star ananda understand the calculation. If BJP can manage few anti left votes then it would be a problem for the TMC and Cong. People do understand Mamata’s ma mati manush natak and this will not last long. Star anada also understand this and they always try to put Mamata on breaking news.”
    I am not a Star Ananda reporter. I am a common man. But before you commented like what you did, sample the following cases:
    1) A doctor going to a hospital was not spared the agony. His car was badly damaged and he was verbally abused with the choicest of slang.
    2) The DLF building (which houses my office) was attacked by bloody hooligans! Employees were not allowed to get in, even when they stressed the importance of the kind of work we do.. involving 24*7 support. Never before had the IT industry come under such an attack! The police were mere spectators! Think about the kind of impression it gives to our prospective clients!
    3) Patients being taken to the hospital were checked thoroughly. They almost had a ‘pre-health’ checkup in the hands of uneducated, brute, ‘lathi’ wielding ‘doctors’, prior to the actual medical checkup.
    4) School buses were emptied of children and burnt.

    Never before has Bengal seen more muscle power being put in a strike. And by the way, from your writings, it seems you understand very little of politics. Just cashing in on breaking news.. eh?

    I did see the video footages and saw the security cabin of my office being smashed. So, you better see that before you comment.

    Being from the IT background, I did not see any reason why ETV never broke the news of the IT sector bruise! Images and footages are not manufactured, are they? So, they should have shown it, if you say.. they are “impartial”. Right?

    And about ‘nataks’, tell me dear sir/madam, which political leader is not doing ‘natak’. We saw the Babri natak, the Godhra natak, the Kargil natak, the Mumbai 92 natak and God know, how many more nataks.

    I agree that none of the political leaders are completely clean, but it does seem from your very weak arguments that you write more on emotions than on facts.

    One suggestion for you: Do read the newspapers and watch the news channels! May be your reporting skills would be honed up.

    I have left my email id and blog link here. If you wish, you can write a ‘natak’ script and send across to me. If I feel like, I will turn that into a film… because that’s how realistic your views seem to me.

    Good Luck!!

    PS. No personal attacks intended. I am deeply sorry if any of my words hurt you personally.

  2. Dear people, this is a discussion forum for all kolkatans. No personal attack please. You can raised your voice with your own logic. This site is powered by you. We don’t have reporters to report on any particular news. All posts / news are reported by you.


  3. Mr. Chiranjib, I wrote the above post. I couldn’t report the effect of strike because I can’t do that from out side west Bengal. But you have done that. I wrote about the channels that I can view from out side Bengal and the political equation if BJP becomes powerful. I know star anada covers most of the events but Mamata is their breaking news. This channel is purchased. ETV doesn’t cover a lot but looks genuine.

    Nothing is happening in Bengal and also there is no hope at least in next 5 years. You may know more about politics but I don’t care the only thing that’s important is the result.

    What do you think about Mamata’s “Ma Mati Manush” slogan? I feel whatever this lady does are purely Natak. I can find many people supporting this lady but I think they hate left and that’s the only reason they tolerate this lady.

    Anyway no point of arguing because what ever you do the result is zero. Only God can help Bengal.

  4. Yes, I did report the effects… I was almost in the thick of action, so I know.
    We can surely save Bengal. The thing that is required is collective resistance and Bengal did show what its commoners can do, that is why the strike did not pass off so peacefully as it did in Delhi.

    I agree Star Ananda features Mamata, but yesterday the news shown by them were all genuine. You do not know as you are outside West Bengal. I know… as I have seen on-screen and off-screen. Rather the other channels chose to hide facts. You talk about Star Ananda.. what about “24Ghanta”?? Don’t you think, it is bought as well… albeit by a different party??
    Regarding Mamata, I do not think whatever she does is purely natak. Bear in mind that I am not into politics, but at least she thinks about the common man! If I start highlighting things, the comment form may fall short. Better check out the facts.. ask the poorest and the richest of Bengal… from the roadside beggar to Harsh Neotia.. they will tell you..

    Cong DID NOT do the same as BJP. They had this much courtesy so as not to attack school buses and doctors.. or for that matter CMMI Level 5 Company outdoors!! Remember this is Bengal… this is not Gujrat!!

    You speak about Singur, Nandigram?? [Suppose] I will take the land where you stay, tomorrow by force with the help of hooligans and police. Tell me will you smile and hand over softly? Will you not curse me? Please, please check out the facts before you comment like these… I ask you again. Come to West Bengal. Mingle with the rich and the poor. The common and the uncommon. The celeb and not so celeb. Find out what everyone has to say. Then comment.
    I assure you Bengal will rise. There was a proverb… “What Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow”… those golden days will return. Mark my words!!

  5. Chiranjib, Currently I am viewing star ananda and can find how they are trying to create a connection between CPM and BJP because it seems the Bandh is successful and this bandh has negative impact on TMC’s popularity. The problem is people never thought this Bandh would be successful. Note, I am only talking about the political equation, I am not supporting Bandh.

    Regarding 24 Ghanta, I can’t view this channel but I would like to view it to find out the other side that I can’t find on star ananda.

    Regarding Mamata’s natak please read this post

    Regarding my Bengal knowledge, I think I have seen Bengal more closely than you as I have spent almost 18 years at a Bengal village and another 5 years in Kolkata. I have seen more poor people with west bengal root than you.

    I said nobody can’t help Bengal because people like you who work in CMM level 5 company also support Singur incidents. I thought people like you will protest against the Mamata’s activity in Singur.

    A state cant go ahead when people in that state support such incidents. Regarding your sympathy on poor people, if 15% people would like to get their farm land back then alternate land could have arranged for them in that area but they want the same land and Mamata want 400 acres. This is not logical. I know Bengali people understand more politics to spoil their own life.

    Why are you shouting against this Bandh? This is not the first bandh you have seen. You are shouting because it affected your Mamata Di. Your favorite channel Star Anada is also trying the same.

  6. You people are missing the root cause. Muscle power is the only way a political party can raise their voice in Bengal. Media houses are purchased and they never broadcast the voice of common people. In villages people will vote you if you can show the muscle power because they need to live there and they can’t speak against the powerful party. For example in lalgarh common people can’t raise their voice against maoist because they can be killed by maoist rulers. Similarly no red flag cant be hosted in east midnapur because thats the order of Suvendu Adhikari.

    Its all about impression. You feel TMC can fight against Left because they have shown the muscle power. BJP is doing the same.

    People has to act. Stop subscribing the political flags that you read as news paper. In last 30 years if you have seen CPM party offices at your locality now you can find TMC party offices.

    Regarding Natak, this is obvious because people from Tollywood are in politics.

  7. @imedia
    1. I do not endorse any party. Every year, I follow news closely before deciding about whom to vote. My votes have varied over the last few years.
    2. Every political party has good and bad elements. I only try to sort and endorse the good part, leaving aside the bad part.
    3. Singur issue had many shades to it. It is not as simple as it looks to the naked eye. While the issue was raging, I really wished the Tata factory to be built. But every coin has the other side and you’ve got to appreciate that land acquisition should never be done without taking necessary steps in advance. It’s not about showing muscle power and force against the common innocent people. I think the idea of land banks is progressive.
    4. Yes, agreed that this is not the first bandh in the state. I have raised my voices earlier as well. Look at the articles below. You would get proof that I do not endorse any party:
    I appreciate the fact that you came up as a very ordinary village guy. Little known fact for you, even I did that. I have been staying in Kolkata only since the last 3 and a half years. I stayed in Murshidabad, prior to that.
    Finally it is good that we are discussing more about this as it clears our mind to see against the hazy fog created by leaders. But think about it, if you were to write this article all over again, would it not contain many amendments?

  8. Chiranjib, you are concentrating more on the bandh part. I don’t do that because that’s the top layer of the root problem. Bandh is done by few people and common people are forced to support / oppose that. The news we read are through the mouthpiece of some political party. Can you show me a media house in Bengal which doesn’t speak for a political party? Ganshakti to Anadabazar all are speaking for some political party. Remember at the end of the day these editors vote for some political party so they are not impartial.

    Amending my article? not required because I wanted to hear about the bandh from people. Also I pointed some factors that people should think before commenting. I treat this as a discussion forum. Don’t worry people would be reading all replies.

  9. How various political parties are responsive to commmon man’s concern can be gauaged from the fact that how little steps state and central governments are taking to combat rising food article prices. They opt for bandh to hide their complicity to divert attention from the fact that they are in hands in glove with hoarders.

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