How to deal with Maoist?

As you see joint force is unable to to tackle maoist activities in LALGARH area. Why Join force can’t control them? We know how much money is spent on joint force. The same can be spent in developing the area. Lets advise our govt hope they will understand.

Maoist are spread across jungles and they would be changing their position. treat them like animal. How do you track animal in a jungle? See discovery channel you can find lots of new technologies. Instruments can be imported using or Some of them like sound sensor, movement sensor etc.

How they communicate? Using mobile and SIM. Record all call in that area or disallow any call from any prepaid mobile numbers. Only call from postpaid mobile and landline numbers are allowed in that area.

Deploy joint force in jungle and ask them to be available in the night in jungle. Walking on the road during day time doesn’t help.

Be tough to people who speak for them. Even you must take strong action on people like Kabir Suman and his friends who have been talking for maoist. They are lucky that they live in India.

Music Album to help Maoist by MP Kabir Suman

This is nothing new in Bengal though this is unexpected from a MP. This proves the link between Maoist and TMC. Trinomuli blood cries for Maoist but not for the people killed every day by maoist.

The only problem with these people is Priority Analysis. Which one is first required? Stop killing or help Maoist. People like kabir Suman, Mamata, Mahasweta Devi, Human right organizations etc are more worried about maoist than the killing of common people. Their trinomuli (AKA Talibani) blood cries for Maoist but not for those common people killed every day by Maoist.

Raise your voice against these pseudo intellectuals. Any logical brain or human with little common sense can’t support such effort by a respectable PM of India.

Comrade Jyoti Basu Dead (via postie)

“Comrade Jyoti Basu Dead” is the rumor of the day

I have been reading this on above site says ex CM passed away in the afternoon hours. The news is not officially announced. A high level meeting at Writer’s building is over. CM is expected to visit AMRI hospital soon.

This news was spread across the whole web

18 picnickers are missing in the Rupnarayan river

A very sad story. These picnickers are still missing. In winter it may take 72 hours before a body floats. First question to all readers. Why they over loaded the boat? This is the common sense of picnickers.

Divers from the Haldia Coast Guard, Kolkata Port Trust (KoPT), Kolkata Police, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) and district rescue team undertook rescue operation, but not a single body could be traced.

Our Rail Minister Mamata and her star anada have started playing politics on the event of 18 missing picnickers. They got few slogan just like their Ma Mati Manush. In 32 yesr Left front govt. didn’t do any work and that’s reason these picnickers were lacking common sense to protect their own life. Where is disaster recovery team etc etc? Union Minister of State for Shipping Mukul Roy & Subhendu Adhikari also joined her in this politics.

I feel it would be great help if these people can help the rescue operation instead of laying politics.

CAB vs WB Police on Star Aanda

Who is responsible for the light outage on the India vs Sri Lanka cricket match? This new even started just after the light outage and Star Anada boss Ms Mamata (seems so)was offering her feed back direct from her way to stadium just after the incident.

Today star anada wants feed back from their big boss mamata on this event. And what feed back they got some slang from this crazy lady. She tries to prove herself polite, peaceful and cultural. She tried that by naming the stations in the name of Uttam Kumar, Rabindra Nath, Najrul etc but her character can’t prevent her using words like Chamar, Goutam Mohan as Mohanbhog etc. Mr Suman her assistance never ask to stop this as he can’t speak against his boss. Can you raise your voice against this famous media house ABP. These people are spoiling the brand image of ABP.

People in west Bengal are smart and they will find the truth soon. They need alternative but Mamata never can’t be an alternative. Indian like polite people like our PM not people who speak a lot and speak offensive words.

Now coming to this event, why the light outage? There might be problem with the circuit or lack of power. What’s the cause of this? Star Anada don’t talk much on that but try to gain some political millage out of that. Other media houses are probably doing the same but I am viewing star anada so I am talking on star anda only.

If you cross India Bangladesh border? (via postie)

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If You Cross The North Korean Border Illegally You Get 12 Years Hard Labor.

If You Cross The Iranian Border Illegally You Are Detained Indefinitely in Prison.

If You Cross The Afghan Border Illegally, You Get Shot.

If You Cross The Saudi Arabian Border Illegally You Will Be Jailed.

If You Cross The Chinese Border Illegally You May Never Be Heard or Seen Thereafter.

If You Cross The Venezuelan Border Illegally You Will Be Branded A Spy And Your Fate Will Be Sealed.

If You Cross The Cuban Border Illegally You Will Be Thrown Into Political Prison To Rot. If You Enter Britain Illegally You Will be Arrested, Prosecuted And Sent To Prison And Deported.

But If You Enters India Illegally You Get A Ration Card, Voter Identification, Passport, Subsidy, Job, A Drivers License, Identity Card, Job Reservation, Special Privileges, Credit Cards, Subsidized Rent Or A Loan To Buy A House, Free Education, Free Health Care, A Lobbyist In New Delhi to look after your interests And Voting Rights! AND if U r a Terrorist,U can order for Bryan …in the prison..!!!This is real Democracy

Note: all bangladeshis living in india and inviting their friends to India must think about their future. Hope there would be a strong govt some day who will kick these bangladeshis out of India.

Ami Mamata Rail chalai dorkar hole auto o chalai (via postie)

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This is the recent breaking news. It seems people are bored with breaking news related to new train and project initiation function by Mamata.

Now Mamata medias are on this slogan. Dorkar hole Mamata auto o chepe kaje jaan. You can’t blame those people on road because they are your minority vote bank so better take a auto to airport.

Taliban Rule by Maoist

Have you heard about Gana Adalat? Yes this can be organized by Maoist and their friends in forest area to punish only CPM party supporters. As per Maoist only CPM party workers are the criminal and they should be punished. What about TMC and Cong? At this point most of their party workers are from CPM. So will you stop punishing CPM party worker if they converted themself to either TMC or Cong?

Kisenji, what about the reporters of corrupted media houses? Can you punish them in your Gana Adalat? They are purchased and they write only for a party like CPM or TMC? This is a new idea and you can try when you find such reporter near you.

Kisenji, Stop this non sense talibani adalat and washing brain of villagers. You can’t help them as you don’t know the root cause of proverty in India. India has been ruled by Cong for last 50 years. How did they help India?

Light went off at Eden Breaking news on star anada (via postie)

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Today I was following all stories on star anada. First thing light went off at Eden, Mamata went to eden to resume the play, ministers didn’t go through security check but Sunil Gavaskar was asked for the pass and Mamata is unhappy.

Its like you need to add Mamata in every alternate line. This is a news channel, can you believe it?

Note there were no coverage on the cricket match (after Indias victory). But Mamata dis travel to eden was thoroughly covered.

Few days back in front of Suman Mamata di was naming some one chamar. I feel this word is applicable for Suman and the channel.

What do you think? You must raise your voice when one of the pillar of democracy that is media is corrupted.

I believe media has to be more interactive so they get proper reply from audience instead playing stupid stories whole day.