Ma matir lorai not ma mati manush (via postie)

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This was published on telegraph about what Mamata sees not the journalist. Journalists can’t see because they see through the money piad to them by Media houses.

If Mamata say sun is moving around the earth then that’s correct and that would be breaking news on ABP channels and news papers.

Mamata says marxist and maoists are working together. If this is true then why maoists are killing marxist every day in lalgarh? Mamata’s reply would be its a false play like the jatra MA MATIR LORAI which was hosted by TMC after Mamata’s meeting at sonachura Nandgram. What do you think about this false jatra playing by TMC and ther channel partners?
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Another corrupted media house in bengal (via postie)

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These days you can find how media houses have been promoting TMC. ABP is the first one. Pratidin is another one. They always write against left. It’s like feeding drug to people so they stop thinking. I have seen educated people talking something which illogical. If you see the attached image you can find they have made begging is synonymous of requesting.

People these media houses are spoiling young generation by moving them to wrong direction. At this point all real talented (not the TMC supporter like Nachiketa and other artists) people moving out of bengal because they can’t live there. Save bengal by protesting against these corrupted media houses.
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Anandabazar/ABP is trying hard to hide Mamata Maoist Link (via postie)

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Today I was reading this article on anandabazar patrika. The focus is totally changed. The article has been written in such a way that Mamata got some certificate and she doesn’t have any connection or soft corner for maoist. But what’s the fact? She say there is no maoist in bengal. She doesn’t have any complain against maoist in rajdhani trainjack instead she blames left for trainjack. Her colleague Sisir babu says he knew that there would be trainjack but he didn’t inform that. These are criminal offense.

The point is why abp is publishing such news? Do they have their brain with them? It looks like it’s their marketing effort to hide the link between Mamata and maoist. As you know money is the big factor in marketing. So media house like abp can be purchased if you have money. What do you think?

Unemployement in Kolkata west bengal

Unemployement in Kolkata west bengal – In current market condition there are very few jobs avilable for only extremely talended people. Find the recruitment status in all Engg colleges in west bengal. Even people in JU are not happy with their job offers. Now what’s the alterative?

Politics? Yes, people in bengal invested their time and even life in poltics. The think political parties can offer them some govt job. And once we get a govt job we don’t need to think for whole life. That’s a good alterative but how many govt jobs are available? Can they solve 5% of unemployement problem?

Trends have been changing daily. If you think you will join BSC BA graduation and spoil your 3 years then you may not get a job in your whole life. Think smart and finalize your career plan. Find what’s the requirement in market? What kind of jobs are available? Prepare yourself as per the requirements.

Some of the freelance jobs in this market are content writing, editing, graphics design, web design, help desk operator etc. Find more in

Three people in a car tried to kill me: Mamata Banerjee

Mamata Banerjee and her party claimed that “Three people in a car tried to kill her”. Later it was found they are reporters of 24Ghanta. We all know about the relation between Mamata Banerjee and 24Ghanata. In most of the press cong Mamata doesn’t allow 24Ghanata. This is because 24Ghanta doesn’t report the news in the way she wants.

I was following star anada today but didn’t find any news on this topic. It seems Mr Suman & his team was not convinced by the stupid logic of Mamata Banerjee. I found Akash Bangala was protesting about the attact by TMC people on these 3 reporters. Read the whole report on TOI. (http:// Do read the comments on this news. Some of them are as follows

Devendra,New Delhi,says:There was no street lights, point to be noted first in right earnest. Hope Ms Banarjee not lying. How pathetic are streets there? Why these ministers are not taking care for things as a whole??
[14 Oct, 2009 1749hrs IST]

shan_tan,Kolkata,says: People tried to kill our Honorable Railway Minister at 1.00 am with camera in their hand. It’s funny, that they don’t have guns or bombs in their hand. What was the menu in the get-together?

Deepak,Bangalore ,says: I have a question Mamataji, Why did u actually stop your gunmen against firing at these men, I feel something fishy, this seems to be a gimmick to stay in news and gain some undue sympathy and publicity

Manish,IITK,says: I am more concerned about the safety of the three personnel in the white car who might have lost their lives in the so called would have been accident. Mamta you are just good for nothing. Always wanna be in the headlines. Come out of your publicity-stunt-mania.

Abhijit Sarkar,Pune,says: Who will try to kill her? She has already killed all prospects of the State. I guess she has run out of ideas to create sensation.

rajat deb,kolkata,says: sir Please do the home work before beleiving this lady (pure nautanki bazz)

Chirajit,Singapore,says: what a rubbish.. I think those press guys actually got scared just looking at her.. and were trying to save themselves from MaMaTa-ta… 🙂 This is reverse allegation..

So you can find out what people think about this lady. I hope people in Bengal will understand this in few months. But it would be delayed because of the dishonest media houses. You can find a headline on Anadabazar patrika that people tried to kill Mamata Banerjee. Simply people will belive the report without reading the full content.

Jadavpur University campus under police scanner

Jadavpur University campus under police scanner, I was reading this on TOI. West bengal state government is concerned over increased Maoist activities in Jadavpur University (JU) and some other city institutes. In JU DSF (They support Naxalism) is most powerful student union powered by Engg students.

DSF claims – Free education in JU, They protest when the library fine increases from 6 paise to 35 paise. I don;t need to write it here. People already know their activities. Apart from them last year it came on news that 4 female students are having connection with Maoist and they are in Nandigram. In west bengal this is nothing new. You can find celebraties suppoting maoist activities. human rights organization doesn’t come up when there is killing but they come up when they find Naxal leader has been treated badly. This is the specification of people who claim themself as intellectuals.

Read it on TOI

The Union home ministry has informed the state government that a student from JU is directly involved in providing support to the Maoists and that the Red rebels have been able to increase their support base in the city considerably over the past few months. Many of these students stay in and around Jadavpur and in other parts of south Kolkata. PCPA leader Chhatradhar Mahato reportedly named some students and teachers of JU who have supported the Lalgarh movement.

Read this here http://

Rail Minister Ms Mamata supporting Maoist activities on start ananda

Few days back journalist were protesting against the arrest of Chatradhar Mahato. Today star anada reporter Suman Dey just say hmm hmm when Ms Mamata talks. This is the height of journalism. People say journalism is noble profession but do you protest when a journalist works as a party worker? But you can see people protesting when one maoist activist was arrested (who helped killing innocent people).

Ms Mamata, Mr mahato is a active memebr of your party TMC. How do you explain that he has been working for CPM? What’s the logic? How can you run a govt with your poor analytical skill. Chatradhar Mahato was supporting maoist people who were killing CPM people. Find the names here.

Writers and actors are the only intellectual and asset of our country (As per Ms Mamata). These so called intellectual have been supporting Chatradhar Mahato’s activitries even today. This the only problem in west bengal. If you want to talk against left then speak even you don’t have any logic. Even today these so called intellectual are suppoted by TMC head Ms Mamata.

Ms Mamata, people are not so stupid. they are watching you. If they can vote against left then you may not be the exception.

Kolkata web hosting and website design

Kolkata web hosting and website design – India’s web hosting market is still not so mature. If you compare with USA then you can find there are very few websites from India and very few hosting companies from India providing operation. This is because internet is not yet available to most of the Indians living in India. Still website is another electronic media to market your business.

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  1. Hosting – server space where you content would be stored. It would cost from Rs.1500/- per year for required space and bandwidth. Also you can compromise with low quality hosting. Because if your server is down then your website is not available to your visitors.
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Chatrodhar Mahato’s arrest – is that right?

Chatrodhar Mahato’s arrest? Few people think this is not the right way of arresting Chatrodhar Mahato. Then what is the right? The way maoist works? They kill people when people go back to home from work. They blust land mine and kill people. Is that right?

If you think this is not the right way of arresting Chatrodhar Mahato then please explain why that’s not right? This is nothing new in Bengal. If people like Aparna Sen, Mamata Banrejee can keep relation with Chatrodhar Mahato then everything is possible. Or if it’s done by a CPM govt then it’s wrong. There should be some logic what’s your logic? Please explain!!!

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